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Police at Swindon

Jun 2, 2016
pastiesforlife":1pnh17a6 said:
It’s not that long ago that an Argyle supporter on the way to the match died after an altercation close to Swindon’s ground.

Maybe the police still take that into account.
33 years ago. Tragic, but I don't think many fans know about that now.
Jun 2, 2016
Andy_S":2btunz42 said:
the_corkscrew":2btunz42 said:
Andy_S":2btunz42 said:
the_corkscrew":2btunz42 said:
Andy_S":2btunz42 said:
L G":2btunz42 said:
Our reputation goes before us?

This...in spadeloads!

Reputation for what?
When was the last time there was crowd trouble outside the ground with Argyle away?
All we saw today was a lot of very bored coppers. Laughable waste of tax money.

You think the cops are stupid???

They have 2300+ Argyle supporters heading their way, they will know, for a FACT, that the FA have cited Argyle because of the behaviour of SOME "fans" at away games.

What do you expect them to do? Sit around at home, playing with the kids while 2 miles down the road all hell has been breaking loose...all because of a handful of mindless morons.

There will always be those who, at the first opportunity, knock the police of this country...seems like you're one of them.
The police don't send out 200 cops based on 1 bloke shouting at a Northampton fan for wearing a pink shirt and 3 other blokes standing in block 12. Stop trying to give Argyle fans a bad reputation that is absolutely not deserved.
Wiltshire constabulary got it wrong yesterday. Maybe they'll go away and have a think about it for next time based on the excellent behaviour they saw.

In YOUR opinion.

As to whether they base their findings on that of one single individual, I doubt that very much. Their information will have been gathered from a myriad of resources, not just football clubs but other constabularies.

I have no doubts whatsoever that you are one of the ones that would be first in the queue damning all and sundry had anything "kicked off" and YOU had received a tonking!

And you'd be wrong. Again. :facepalm:


♣️ PACSA Member
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Feb 25, 2005
Lostwithiel, Capital of Cornwall.
the_corkscrew":1l8wxc6a said:
pastiesforlife":1l8wxc6a said:
It’s not that long ago that an Argyle supporter on the way to the match died after an altercation close to Swindon’s ground.

Maybe the police still take that into account.
33 years ago. Tragic, but I don't think many fans know about that now.
Mark Smith was mentioned in a couple of conversations on the lead up to this game. Mainly with long standing Argyle fans of course.
Jan 6, 2004
Sad day but the idea police take into account something nobody under 45 will remember in deciding how to police a game is ridiculous,

I think they saw the numbers coming and decided to play is safe. Too safe. They could learn from the Met. 4000 at charlton a couple of seasons ago very low police presence and fans freely mingling on way back to station with no problems at all


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Apr 25, 2016
Bloody hell, you would have moaned if anything happened and there wasn’t enough police there. Games is categorised and higher category of game more police will be there so I’m guessing this game would be Cat A
Aug 8, 2013
Over time opportunity and nothing more. Most of the police I spoke to came across embarrassed by it really.

Good day out nonetheless, but a 15 minute walk from the station to the ground taking 3 times as long achieved nothing other than have chaps suffering for the facilities and then overloaded the turnstiles.

Forest of Dean Green

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Mar 5, 2009
Mrs Forest of Dean came yesterday and was quite taken aback by being kettled after the game. Mostly, she took against some inebriated chaps calling the police horses ‘C you next Tuesday’s’ and her animal loving sensitivities were rather challenged! We slipped the cordon though as clearly we didn’t look like a trio (son as well) of troublemakers.

This police business was the second shock of the day. The first was that there was a bloke was in the away end in, ahem, Wellington boots. Wellies? At the football? Joe Edwards’ family are farmers. Maybe a relative popped out for the day after milking the cows. But wellies? He should have been chucked out
Apr 24, 2013
On the swindon fans forum called the town end , a swindon fan posted that he was was walking towards the ground before kickoff when he saw a man on the ground injured surrounded by police waiting for a ambulance to arrive and he commented that there must of being trouble between rival fans. Also on the same forum another swindon fan mentioned that he was in the swindon town end of the ground at half time and queuing to get a burger and there were 30 argyle fans outside the town end looking to have a go .
So i think the police had some sort of intelligence and were ready for trouble.
Feb 10, 2019
Sadly this is a corner that football has backed itself into. The police can take no chances where any sort of local derby or threat is concerned. Whether we are at home or away to the likes of City, Swindon, Portsmouth or the Bristol teams, away fans are going to get herded to and from the stadium.
Jan 6, 2004
There will be trouble makers still but they can be measured in dozens not hundreds or thousands. Football fans should not be treated as as a potential source of trouble on mass any more - like searching everyone in a shopping mall because there will always be a couple of shoplifters - football has grown up - time policing does too


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Apr 30, 2015
Gary_Wills":11rf2nqs said:
the_corkscrew":11rf2nqs said:
Laughable waste of tax money.

Like the vast majority of fans, zero interest in football’s finances, but I’m pretty certain the police cost is covered by the home club not the local authorities, hence Category A, B and C ticketing costs by certain clubs.

Football clubs only pay for policing costs inside the ground and on any land they own/lease.


Jul 3, 2006
Location Location
Leigham Green":rkiq74hr said:
Sadly this is a corner that football has backed itself into. The police can take no chances where any sort of local derby or threat is concerned. Whether we are at home or away to the likes of City, Swindon, Portsmouth or the Bristol teams, away fans are going to get herded to and from the stadium.

Somebody mentioned Watford a while ago. My brother lived many years just across the road from Vicarage Road.
(Aynho St if you're interested, lovely view of the cemetery)
Once, after a game they were keenly urging us away from the stadium, march round 3 sides then off to Watford Junction whether you came by train or not. My brother helpfully waved his front door key and said: 'There, I live there!'.
We were threatened with arrest but held our ground and asked for a Senior Officer, policeman then decided we'd be best off on a supporter's coach, any coach, whether we came by coach or not!
We eventually found a policeman who didn't just say: 'Doing my job, sir'. He walked to the door with us and brother let himself in!
That seemed to satisfy him but I still worry that we could have been banged up for breaking and entering!!
(Yes pedants, don't bother! We had a key! I know!)

Yes, it is a difficult job but pragmatism, common sense and adaptability are great traits in a PC! :thumbs:
Apr 26, 2016
The police were pretty good-humored and ok, a large number of Plymouth fans in the Great western before the game all having good time but we all know after a few beers it can go over the line, a couple of groups tried to go up to the ground early but the police rounded them up and brought them back to the area by the station.
After the game, we were way in front of the fans escort just said to the officer our train was at 5:20 and he let us through but noticed group of Argyle guys halfway down Manchester road already but fortunately, there weren't any Swindon fans around so no fuss or bother.OK day out ground close to the station, decent pubs bit expensive.

Match 5 / 10
Pubs 7 / 10 (Great western & Merlin)
Police 8 / 10
Atmosphere 4 / 10
Swindon ground 5 / 10 (both ends crap)
Ground Location 8 / 10

Overall away day out 7 / 10
Jan 18, 2007
I'm really sorry but all clubs still have a problem, and Argyle definitely do. If everyday fans saw the police presence as there to keep you safe rather than there to stop you doing X Y Z, then would the response of Wiltshire Police have been over the top?Swindon Town have a problem with a small section of their support and it was feared they would be out and about because of our large numbers, and this came from Silver Command, who I spoke with after the game, she was very complimentary of the fast majority of our support.

Going back to Argyles neanderthals, they were there, we all know who they are, rather than finding them funny and joining in perhaps we could find a way here on PASOTI of helping the club cleanse its self of these football vermin. The FA are running Don't be that Idiot, perhaps we could do something similar?

Whether we are on four wheels or two feet, sixty years old in a new Argyle shirt or sixteen years old in your brothers old coat, we may be quiet at or load at a game, we may maon at the players and boo or clap them off even when their rubbish.
WE ARE STILL ALL ARGYLE FANS, and this gets forgotten on here way to often. Shouting at a sixty year old lady to **** off and watch rugby because she had the audacity to ask you to sit down, so she could watch the game she paid just like you to watch is not acceptable and we the real Argyle fans should be stopping this.

OK rant nearly over, We are Plymouth Argyle and we stand when we want, good luck with that, and why are we the only club still singing Your **** Ahhhhhhhhh makes me cringe every time, sleepy little back water, still we have toilets inside now you know.
Tin Hat well and truly on, COYG