Argyle & the coronavirus. Season off to Apr 3 | Page 7 | PASOTI
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Argyle & the coronavirus. Season off to Apr 3

If the coronavirus affects games would you prefer ...

  • Games behind closed doors and on iFollow

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • Postpone games and play later, maybe May/June

    Votes: 80 68.4%

  • Total voters
Dec 3, 2005
Old Gunner":1yh83671 said:
Willis88":1yh83671 said:
Chancellor":1yh83671 said:
Everyone keeps blaming the media hyping it all up, OTT reactions by all and sundry, but the fact remains that every nation on earth is taking this virus extremely seriously. Us minions have absolutely no idea of the real facts and yet many people seem to think they know better than the experts. Whilst "expert" opinion has been fobbed off as Project Fear as regards other even
ts, its just possible that the "experts" do know what they are talking about and that we should sit up and listen rather than blame "snowflake reactions".

The Blitz spirit towards possible food shortages in the event of a no-deal Brexit for example has been made to look rather ridiculous by the astonishing stampede towards the toilet roll aisles in the supermarkets this week. Blitz Spirit indeed.

Maybe it will all blow over and the entire country will look like a population of snowflakes with creaking cupboards full of hand cleaner and pasta and we can have a good old laugh about it.

I am no doom monger but I have a hunch that our authorities, worldwide, know a little more than they are letting on,after all they are hardly likely to go public with hard facts at this stage that could cause serious unrest.

Surely if there's more to it then they would have closed everything down by now.

Too much of this panic has been driven by the media, supported by organisations and politicians scared of looking like they're not doing anything. Remember, there's nothing that sells better than bad news!

At this point they need to make a decision, tell us the hidden truth people thinks there seems to be or admit everyone's overeacting and set expectations.

Rubbish talk of closing stadiums for sports events, next they'll be shutting stations, airports etc.

I think it's about time we heard the truth, is there's some major secret they're hiding let's hear it so we can plan for it, if there isn't let's be told to chill out.

It's a virus that is spreading exponentially and there is no current vaccine. This time next week we will be considering hundreds of cases in the UK. Not snowflakery...just an objective assessment of the information available. It might need draconian action to stop its spread.

We have a Flu Vaccine - people with certain ailments are encouraged to take the vaccine - yet THOUSANDS die in the UK every year from the Flu.

TWO people have sadly died this week - they had the corona virus - BUT they also had underlying health problems - no one knows IF it was those underlying problems or the virus which was the cause of death.

On the worst day - in China - the death from the virus was 108 people, on the same day over 26,283 people died from Cancer, 24,641 people died of Heart Disease.

The media are mostly to blame for the panic buying by those taken in by their retoric.
The News channels and the Newspaper headlines are always telling us how many cases have been diagnosed - they fail to tell us (until tonights BBC News) how many of those have recovered.

People should be washing their hands as the normal thing to do at any time.

The Doctor

✨Pasoti Donor✨
Sep 15, 2003
Players and club officials eschewing physical contact with others is not snowflakery. At some point there may well (probably will) be impacts on football matches such as them being played behind closed doors or not played at all; and there may be serious financial impacts on clubs etc. But if anyone in the Argyle staff tests positive, that will be the end of matches for Argyle for the foreseeable future. Completely. Straightaway. So the club is just being sensible and doing the simple things that it can to reduce the likelihood of IT being impacted sooner rather than later (or at all).
Feb 8, 2009
The Doctor":2vmatlqq said:
This is a great resources for reliable and well presented numbers on the latest cases: John Hopkins Coronovirus Resource

And this article from The Guardian: 9 Reasons To Be Reassured is also interesting and, I think, helpful.

Thanks, very useful. Taking every recommended precaution now is sensible and will hopefully limit the time that any more severe and financially damaging restrictions have to be in place.


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Nov 17, 2009
The Doctor":1xbsm9hz said:
Players and club officials eschewing physical contact with others is not snowflakery. At some point there may well (probably will) be impacts on football matches such as them being played behind closed doors or not played at all; and there may be serious financial impacts on clubs etc. But if anyone in the Argyle staff tests positive, that will be the end of matches for Argyle for the foreseeable future. Completely. Straightaway. So the club is just being sensible and doing the simple things that it can to reduce the likelihood of IT being impacted sooner rather than later (or at all).

There is more than an even chance all football will be curtailed before the end of the season.

I think rugby will be the first sport to suspend the season.
Dec 20, 2011
If the Exeter derby was to be played behind closed doors, would supporters get a refund.

Dread the thought of it happening. massive loss of income to Argyle with 18000+ expected...…..


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Oct 31, 2010
Most of the printed media and associated websites have been an absolute disgrace during this outbreak, including our local comic.
Instead of publishing facts to help the public understand what is going on they print scare stories that has fueled the panic. All because of clickbait and sales.
I hope people remember the part played in this by most of the newspapers.

The BBC has been good at getting the correct information out without the drama and when the scientists and experts speak the situation isn't as bad as the newspapers are trying to portray.

Football could be hit but surely the tube system in London would be cancelled as well, that's the perfect breeding place for the virus.
If football is played behind closed doors and broadcast live (it will probably only be the Premier League on TV) the irony will be that people will go to the pub and watch games, which the experts are saying is a worse situation than actually being at the game!
Sep 8, 2011
PL2 3DQ":3cxoacgk said:
If football is played behind closed doors and broadcast live (it will probably only be the Premier League on TV) the irony will be that people will go to the pub and watch games, which the experts are saying is a worse situation than actually being at the game!

You beat me to it. I saw a piece on the news where an expert was making this very point yesterday.
Just a point regarding the suggestion that the EFL may ask elderly supporters to stay away from games, for their own good, so I don’t doubt the sincerity of the motive. However, without wishing to brag, I’m 73 but fitter than most 60 year olds, so I’ll be bloody annoyed if I’m excluded solely on age grounds.
May 25, 2016
Dec 16, 2004
mervyn":3tgvtpln said:
Just a point regarding the suggestion that the EFL may ask elderly supporters to stay away from games, for their own good, so I don’t doubt the sincerity of the motive. However, without wishing to brag, I’m 73 but fitter than most 60 year olds, so I’ll be bloody annoyed if I’m excluded solely on age grounds.

I'm 65, play squash 3 times a week, cycle every day, walk at leat 30 miles a week, take no medication and have no health conditions. They can fxxx off if they try banning me purely on age criteria.
Apr 9, 2011
You say you are 65 my friend its the over 70s they are thinking about for their own well being so i dont really understand why you are getting so het up. Just be thankful as a "senior" you are one of the fortunate ones regard health issues
So far since the reported outbreak 2 people have sadly passed away from CORVID19, however on average 5 people a day pass away from fatal road incidents in the UK (over 1,700 fatalities, including pedestrians in 2018) yet nobody thinks twice about getting in their car, nobody is calling on the Govermant to ban driving, nobody is calling for the abolition of roads and motor vehicles. As long as people take all the precautions they can it is still more dangerous crossing the road than attending a sports venue.
The powers that be need to be reassuring the populace and trying to combat fear mongering, hence 2 people walking around Tesco today in face masks!
Mar 18, 2014
on average 600 people a year in the UK die from standard influenza - nobody mentions this in the news

the mortality rate for flu is 0.13, coranavirus is 0.16, virtually no difference.

yet I am supposed to stop home or where a face mask????????? Our Occ Health doctor has told us already that face masks will make no difference.

By May/ June the media will have gone back to their global warming panic-mongering instead